Check it out at intercollective.com.au
Tasmania is but a cheap flight away! Come visit!
An attempt to create a hub for Perth creatives. A peer group of sorts. Connecting local creative web content and creating a continuing dialogue. Whatever the fuck that means. Use the blog to promote your own or recommend other creative work / blogs / events to other local artists or just chat about cool shit you found on the internet (relevant to our artistic endeavors). Sign up as a commenter and join/create the conversation.
This is the first episode of the Elusive Isolation podcast from Jimmerish FM, very much a beta episode. Joining us today is two parts of the Inter Collective creative team, Anna Cocks and Claire Krouzecky as well as musician Alex MacRae from the band Sons of Rico.
We will hopefully be recording a way more awesome second episode this Saturday. Until then we would love your feedback / questions in the comments.