Thursday, May 7, 2009

How to comment on Elusive Isolation

Are you having trouble commenting on posts? I've put together a quick and dirty video tutorial for you to watch and help you out. Watch it below and please register to comment and comment on something so that I know you are there! Click "HD" on the video for higher quality (great for watching full screen).

Why must you register to comment? We value discussion on this blog more highly than the blog posts themselves. Registering to comment allows other commenters to follow your thoughts throughout this project and many other websites outside of blogger who use this system. We can't allow anonymous commenters because they are not accountable for what they say and that doesn't help the dialogue at all.

Remember, if you would still rather use your Blogger login details you can by using Open ID.  All you have to do is go here and type in your blogspot address eg: then blogger will ask you to authorize it.  From then on, look out for the Open ID log in option nearby whenever you go to make a comment.  If you are already logged into Blogger all you have to type in is your blogspot address!

You could start your EI commenting career simply by commenting on this post and ask any questions you might have of the different aspects of the commenting system. Perhaps you are interested in Open ID but want to know more about it or you may want to know how to rate other users' comments? Anything! Let me know in the comments.